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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
6.  Installation Wizard
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The installation wizard is used to install packages from zip files. It can be accessed in two ways:

Below is the description of the wizard’s steps.

Specify package
/upload/sdn5/end user/package designer/installtion_wizard2.png

Use the Browse button to browse for an existing package or the Upload button to upload the new one. Packages are looked up in the folder specified in web.config.

Review the package info 

/upload/sdn5/end user/package designer/installation_wizard3.png

Review the package meta data and click Install.

Installation process window 

/upload/sdn5/end user/package designer/installtion_wizard4.png

If there are items with the same ID in the package and in the target installation, users will see prompt dialogue windows which allow to choose how to resolve the collision. The collision will be resolved automatically if the Installation options were set for the items during package creation.

Note: if a parent for an item being installed does not exist, it will be created based on the Folder template and will not contain any fields.


/upload/sdn5/end user/package designer/installation_wizard5.png

In the final window you can choose to restart Sitecore client or server.

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